    Sometimes, things get in the way of what you want to do, other times things pop up and you get swept away by them. Well its been a combination of these that I inadvertently took a hiatus from EvE online. Coupled with the release of Guild Wars 2 and some real life issues I simply stopped playing.

    I didn't really make a choice to stop it just kinda happened on its own and it could be that its a cycle I go through where I get so into something it burns me out. I really enjoy EvE and I genuinely started to missed flying in space with the friends i had made. I guess it is the people in the game I missed more then the game its self. There are some really awesome people out there, not just in eve but in the world. So I came back to the game the other night, things had changed a bit but my friends were still there talking to them was very awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is steeping away from something you love can make you appreciate it more once you go back to it.

    Yes I have been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 (my Sylvari Thief - Kiresian Rayven in screenshot) and it is a very fun game but eve has something that it dose not and not many games do, I'm trying to figure out what that something is for myself but its there and that's one reason I will always come back to the EvE universe.

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