    Sometimes, things get in the way of what you want to do, other times things pop up and you get swept away by them. Well its been a combination of these that I inadvertently took a hiatus from EvE online. Coupled with the release of Guild Wars 2 and some real life issues I simply stopped playing.

    I didn't really make a choice to stop it just kinda happened on its own and it could be that its a cycle I go through where I get so into something it burns me out. I really enjoy EvE and I genuinely started to missed flying in space with the friends i had made. I guess it is the people in the game I missed more then the game its self. There are some really awesome people out there, not just in eve but in the world. So I came back to the game the other night, things had changed a bit but my friends were still there talking to them was very awesome. I guess what I'm trying to say is steeping away from something you love can make you appreciate it more once you go back to it.

    Yes I have been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 (my Sylvari Thief - Kiresian Rayven in screenshot) and it is a very fun game but eve has something that it dose not and not many games do, I'm trying to figure out what that something is for myself but its there and that's one reason I will always come back to the EvE universe.

              I started off eve mining and mission running, I still mine for my corp but its not something I do much alone due to the need of having a hauler move my ore to a station, frankly its a pain when you play at odd hours when no one else is on. With the planed update to the mining ships(bigger holds for ore) I could potentially mine on my own again and not need to go to the station every 5ish minutes. The new mining frigate is something that is needed badly the racial T1 frigates were lacking and just didn't cut it, this ship could make 0.0 mining in hostile space and possibly wormholes better. I am super excited about it! Also the planed adjustment to yields to all the ships to put them in line with the Hulk will make people getting into harvesting and industry a lot better as they train up.

                The alliance tournament started this past weekend, check out who's against who here, and tune in to watch it here. This year the prizes are sponsored by the Caldari State with a Osprey hull called the Etana which is a logistics ship with the added capacity to fit a covert ops cloak and is said to have powerful skill bonuses and a Merlin hull called Cambion that is a rocket ship with overheating bonuses. The ship graphics are still being designed so no screens yet. :(

                The Biggest news is the escalating war in Delve that's been going on for a little while now but has grown a lot with both sides numbering over 40 alliances and corps they have well over 50,000 characters that are now in delve raging war on one another. Test Alliance Please Ignore released a propaganda video claiming they came to Delve for good fights but were greeted with a massive force as well as the the Southern Coalition calming it started when Pandemic Legion launched a spy attack on Red Alliance and Nuked 9CG6-H. Whatever caused it dose not really matter, war is here!

    I have listed a few video's below for your viewing pleasure :D

Delve Propaganda Videos

A High-sec View of the war

    With the Inferno expansion released it had a lot of awesome stuff, Missile graphics and launchers being added, new modules, Amarr V3, Faction Warfare overhaul and many more. The Unified Inventory was among them. Now its been a few weeks and the Inventory change has come with controversy and some frustration along with some fixes and new bugs.

    One of the of the problems that I think people who play the game don't see is that, if I am not mistaken, The game is almost ten years old with ten your old code that runs a good part of EvE Online. When trying to update someones code it can be very hard and time consuming and sometimes impossible. In a few recent EvE developer blogs they have mentioned having to rewrite code for entire systems in the game, the Crime Watch system is one example of this where the old code could not be modified any longer and had to be scraped and rewritten in order to make neechanges.

    The inventory system has not changed that much from the start of eve, its an old system that needed some love and attention. Game of Drones team set upon this daunting task. The Unified Inventory combined multiple separate inventory's into one inventory with one window. This changes a lot of things for people and makes some tasks harder to preform POS management and organization for reactions are examples of this.  They are making changes to inventory system to hopefully restore some of the previous functionality or at least alleviate some frustration when trying to do certain tasks. I do think that this was a necessary step in making EvE Online a better game however it should had been tested more thoroughly with more feedback from players before implementation.

    CCP has done an awesome job of keeping us the players informed on the changes coming to the inventory system and their progress on the bug fixes and changes they are working on. I hope that In the future when making massive UI changes they will allow for more testing and feedback before they push it to the live server.

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